Epson SC-T7200 Large Format Printer

Från Stockholm Makerspace Wiki
(Omdirigerad från Epson SC-T7200)
Snabbfakta Epson SC-T7200 - Storformatsskrivare
Modell: Epson SC-T7200
Bokningsbar: Nej
Kostnad att använda: Ja, 25-65kr/meter
Färger: 5-färgs bläckstråleskrivare, matt/blank svart, cyan, magenta, gul. Pigmentbläck för vattenfast och skarp utskrift på alla typer av papper.
Arbetsyta: A4 till 1118mm bredd. Max 15m utskrift från Windows, 15,24m från Mac.
Anslutning: USB typ B, Nätverk 1000 BASE TX
Utskriftsteknik: Epson PrecisionCore TFP
Upplösning: 2.880 x 1.440 DPI
Utskriftshastighet: 60 sek för line-drawing.
Maskinens bredd 160 cm
Maskinens vikt 92 kg
Epson SC-T7200 i stora rummet

Generell information

Skrivare för papper. Normalt sett laddad med papper på rulle 90 eller 180 g/m2. Kan användas från CAD-stationerna lokalen som båda har programvara och inställningar klara.

Skrivaren är inställd på att stänga av sig själv. Den mår bäst av att skriva ut något åtminstone en gång i veckan men klarar sig längre tid än så.

Drivers are preinstalled on both CAD stations.

If colours are important, use the program Epson Print Layout or make sure you select photo print mode and high quality.


User's Guide


The makerspace sells paper on a roll, that you can buy in the webshop.

The available variants are:

  • 90g/m2 for e.g. schematics.
    • Use the media type Plain -> Plain Paper when loading the paper in the printer.
    • Costs 25kr/m.
  • 180g/m2 for e.g. posters or photos.
    • Use the media type Matte Paper -> Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper when loading the paper in the printer.
    • Costs 65kr/m.

Ink usage is included in the paper cost for simplicity.

How to load paper rolls

Check the following video. Some minor things differ from our printer, though. Most notably, it doesn't beep when inserting the paper, it only shows different text on the display.

Use the media types described in the previous section.

Youtube tutorial

How to print stuff

The software is perhaps not the most intuitive. Here's are some guides for different scenarios.

Printing a simple pdf or image from a browser

This is fortunately not too hard, as you can print directly from the browser, just like any other printer.

  1. You'll need to use a printer with drivers. The two CAD computers in the large room have these drivers already installed.
  2. Navigate to the thing you want to print in the browser.
  3. Set the size of the thing you want to print using the "Paper size" dropdown. It's important to set this here, even though it can also be set later. Don't ask why.
  4. Click "Print using system print menu" (or similar text)
  5. Change to use the SC-T7200 printer in the list.
  6. Click "Properties" or "More printer settings". This will open a window with tons of options.
  7. Choose the media
    1. Click "Get from printer" to use the same settings as are currently set on the printer.
  8. Select the appropriate quality level at the bottom. "Quality" is recommended for most things.
  9. Enable the "Print Preview" option at the bottom. This will show a preview after you press "Print", allowing you to see what's going to happen.
  10. Click "OK"
  11. Click "Print"
  12. A preview window will show up (possibly behind the current window). Navigate to it and press "Print", if everything looks good.

Printing multiple pages of a PDF next to each other

Sometimes you want to print something small on this big printer. If you have a multiple small pictures that you want to print, it's quite inefficient to print them one by one, since you'll use the whole width of the roll regardless.

Instead, you can open the images in Acrobat Reader, and then combine them into a single PDF. Once you have a single PDF with the images as pages, you can open the print menu. There, you can choose the "Multiple" option under "Page Size & Handling" and make, for example, a 4x1 layout of your pages. This will print the pages next to each other, making much more efficient use of the page.

Configure the printer like in the previous section.


Maskinen inköpt 2024 och ägs av Stockholm Makerspace
