Bordssåg, Hammer K3 Winner

Från Stockholm Makerspace Wiki
(Omdirigerad från Table saw, Hammer K3 Winner)
You must complete the online course before using this machine

Introduction video

Generell information

Snabbfakta Bordssåg, Hammer K3 Winner
Användning: Kräver kurs
Modell: Hammer K3 Winner
Bokning: Först till kvarn
Kostnad: Fri
Loggning: Inget
Plats: Trärummet

Bordssåg, Hammer K3 Winner. En stor bordssåg med gjutjärnsbord.


  • Wear safety glasses and turn on the dust extractor
  • The Riving Knife is the most important safety feature and may not be removed
  • Do not use any blades not provided by the Makerspace. The saw has special holes to accomodate the motor break.
  • Do not use Dado-stacks (
  • Never cut stock free hand
  • Be certain that the blade is sharp
  • Set the blade so that it extends no more than 10 mm above the stock to be cut
  • Stand to one side of the operation blade, do not reach across it
  • Make sure that the stock is fully past the blade before turning the saw off
  • Keep hands at least 15 cm from the blade. Use push sticks when cutting closer
  • Rough stock must be surfaced and at least one side jointed before being cut
  • Use only new stock that is free of knots, splits and warp
  • Use a push stick to push small scrap away
  • Cross cutting on the table saw is dangerous. 30 cm cross-cuts or under should be made on the BOSCH sliding compound miter saw
  • As you complete your work, turn off the saw and remain until the blade has stopped
  • Clear the saw of dust and waste. Return the saw blade to zero settings. Sweep the work area!

Handhavande av maskinen


Material  Godkänd  Kommentar
Massivt trä Ja Om du kan garantera att materialet inte innehåller spikar eller skruvar
Spånskiva Ja
Laminatgolv Nej Det räcker med att du sågar 20cm i materialet för att göra klingan obrukbar. Riskerar att förstöra sågen.
Plywood Ja
Laminerade skivor (MDF, Spånskiva osv.) Ja Sliter mycket på klingan och för bra resultat behövs oftast en klinga med många tänder och rätt vinkel på tänderna.
Tryckimpregnerat/Pressure treated wood Nej Dust is not safe in our closed environment.
Metall Nej All form av metall är helt förbjuden. Klingan får inte bytas till metallklinga.
Stone (lightweight chalk, limestone, ...) Nej Inga stenlika material tillåts då de förstör klingan och det vassa dammet förstör maskinen.


Se till att slå på spånsugen innan du använder den!


We have some spare blades. When a blade does not cut properly, change the blade and label it "Dull" and store it until we have enough of them to bring to resharpening.

Underhåll och reservdelar


  • Daily
    • Visual check whether unit or parts are damaged
    • Check whether power cable is damaged
    • Check if the riving knife is installed and raised enough.
  • Annually
    • Deep cleaning of the machine, adjusting of the top plates



Table saw cleaned throughly, was full of saw dust as the hose and adapter were disconnected. Adapter was broken and a new one is being printed.

Cleaned and lubricated the height spindle. It still feels like it's hard to adjust upward, but not affecting the performance or operation of the machine.

Cleaned and lubricated tilting spindle. There is a clicking sound at around 40 degrees. Unclear what.

Checked the drive and scoring belt. Found OK

The blade is aligned to 90+/-0.1 degrees. Parallel fence is, as far as we could tell, parallel to the blade. The cross-cut fence is, not quite 90 degrees to the blade. Needs to be secured. Slight wobble on the crosscut fence so you have to be careful.


Instruktionsvideo för hur man använder en bordssåg.

My Top 4 Table Saw Jigs & Accessories: How to Make Them - Pask Makes

Plans for pushsticks


YT video on how to calibrate the Hammer K3