Träsvarv, Solberga SVT 600
Snabbfakta Solberga SVT 600 |
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Modell: Solberga SVT 600 |
Bokningsbar: Nej |
Kostnad att använda: Gratis |
Arbetsyta: |
Obelastad hastighet: 390-2600 RPM |
Märkeffekt: - |
Generell information
This lathe has an electric motor with two speeds. A lever allow to adjust the speed from 390 to 2600 RPM with the combination of the two speeds switch.
There is an emergency switch in the front panel.
- Before starting the machine, be sure that spindle work has the cup center properly embedded, tail stock and tool rest are securely clamped and there is proper clearance for the rotating stock
- Before starting the machine for faceplate work, disengage the spindle lock and check to see that the faceplate is tight against the spindle shoulder and the tool support has proper clearance
- Wear safety glasses and a face shield, especially when roughing out work.
- Select turning speed carefully. Large diameters must be turned at the lowest speed. Always use the lowest speed to rough out work.
- Wood with knots and splits should not be turned. Glued up stock should cure at least 24 hours.
- Keep the tool rest close to the work.
- Remove the tool rest for sanding and polishing operations. Use a scraping cut for all face plate work
- Remove both the spur and cup centers when they are not in use
- When you stop the lathe to check your work also check and lubricate the cup center
- Keep the lathe tools sharp; hold them firmly and in the proper position
- Keep your sleeves rolled up and other loose clothing away from the moving parts of the lathe and work
- Clean up debris and dust
Handhavande av maskinen
Endast för trä! Wooden with epoxy can also be turned if the epoxy is fully cured.
Se till att koppla in dammsugare innan du använder den!
To change the chuck: loosen the nut on the left side of the machine, do not unscrew the nut completely but create space between it and the machine. While holding the chuck, give the threaded rod/nut a light blow with a hammer. The chuck should now come loose and you can unscrew the nut on the left side of the machine and pull out the chuck with the thread rod.
Skriv något om hur man ställer de olika vinklarna
Underhåll och reservdelar
- Daily
- Visual check whether unit or parts are damaged
- Check whether power cable is damaged
- Vacuum and clean the lathe
- Weekly
- Run the lathe and operate it over the full speed range. Dust can over time built up and reduce the range of speed. If it happens, disassemble the speed mechanism and clean it with wire brush and add new grease.
- Annually
- Clean and add new grease to the spindle bearings. Clean and grease the speed mechanism.
- Built some supports on the wall for the tools
- Tailstock alignment
We have a set of spare V-belts for the lathe.
Upper V-belt: A48
Lower V-belt: A42
Speed lever mechanism needs two 6202 sealed bearings (15*35*11mm)
- 2020-02-25: almost running. speed lever under renovation
- 2019-XX-XX: Inköpt
Maskinen inköpt av Makerspace 2019-XX-XX